Here are some examples of projects completed for other industries

Operational Efficiency

on machines with GĂ©malto

Machines sometimes malfunction during production. Therefore, it is imperative that it be restarted in spite of the complexity of the procedure with multiple settings.

The Revinax solution allows the operator to learn to make choices in real-life, making reconstructions more reliable; work on the machine is better understood, and there is less apprehension. This means that the machine is more often in working order.

Risk Prevention

on construction sites with Colas

The challenge Revinax addressed for Colas was to make employees understand and incorporate the risks related to a construction site.

By using the Revinax solution, which allows hazardous situations to be experienced in complete safety, Colas was able to make its employees aware of the risks of this industry, such as being crushed by a piece of construction machinery or a truck.


new arrivals with GSF

GSF’s objective is to facilitate the integration of new and interim employees and accelerate their onboarding by using an immersive tutorial to complement the onboarding process.

The Revinax solution offers a virtual visit to the company’s key sites while advising on safety instructions to follow. This tutorial focuses on specific position and presents the work station as well as the basic procedures related to this job.

Risk Prevention

from a first-person point of view with Arkema

Arkema, a leading French risk management company, wanted to continue to improve its performance by working on risks to pedestrians. In spite of regular investments in prevention, they have not managed to reduce the rate of injuries.

It was decided to make an immersive tutorial where the accident was experienced. Revinax developed this tutorial to allow people to live the risk. The emotional engagement is complete because the staff is in a serious real-life setting through the 3D videos.

Operational Efficiency

on machines with STMicroelectronics

The purpose of this project is to design an immersive tutorial allowing employees to be trained to perform all of the technical maneuvers that are part of the production process.

The goal was for learners to master the optimal performance with a maximum quality level, without starting up the production lines or exposing learners to risks of accident.

A Demonstration Tool

for sales with ISS

During the negotiation phase on a large account, the technical director must demonstrate a product, which is costly both in terms of time and logistics.

Our solution allows the product experience to be perfectly reproduced. The tool is also used in training the sales force and is now part of ISS’s brand image.

Use case Arkema

How Arkema has multiplied the effectiveness of its risk prevention operations with the Revinax solution

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